Review & Analytics Practice Spotlight: Billy Minshall


Selecting a review team is a strategic choice that can provide tangible benefits to companies facing significant investigation and litigation events.  We launched Redgrave Review & Analytics (“R&A”) to oversee and conduct strategic document reviews tailored to unique client and matter needs and to leverage the most defensible and efficient tools and workflows to achieve the best client outcomes.  Our R&A team has extensive experience in complex litigation management and document review and brings a robust, tech-savvy, and seamless approach to matters.

Learn more about our R&A team as they reflect on various aspects of document review, discuss important considerations for clients, and share a bit about themselves.

Billy Minshall

We asked Billy about confidentiality issues during the review process.

What excites you about providing these services to clients?

What excites me about providing confidentiality services is that I get to dive deep into what clients do and discover what is important to them.  In litigation, we often get siloed and hyper-focused on one aspect of the case or area of the business, so our overall knowledge of the client can be limited.  Focusing on confidentiality requires me to step back and look at the larger picture.  For this work to be effective, I need to understand what is of value to the client, not only in a specific litigation but also in their overall business.  This work necessitates a true partnership with the client to ensure business continuity.

How is our approach different from others in the industry?

Over the past several years, we have had extensive experience handling pre-trial and trial confidentiality strategy and exhibit sealing in complex litigation involving highly sensitive commercial information.  Through this work, we developed processes and workflows that allow for the practical and accurate handling of confidential information in litigation.  With courts increasingly scrutinizing sealing requests and increasingly willing to deny sealing requests, it is key that clients have the right team in place to ensure that confidential information is identified, designated, and protected throughout the discovery process in the fullest allowable and most efficient way.   

What are the biggest challenges facing clients in this space?

Information is vital to the success of a business, and businesses must protect it.  Sensitive information is often produced during litigation—usually under a protective order—but maintaining a consistent level of confidentiality across multiple jurisdictions and case types is difficult.  We partner with clients and trial counsel to develop and implement repeatable approaches (technology and process) that protect confidential information throughout litigation and across matters and meet all of the legal requirements (procedural and substantive).   

What technology can you not live without?

Electricity and the internet are both pretty great—and both would be hard to live without—but I think the ability to brew coffee is the technology I cannot live without.  I use a French press, but I'd be happy with any way to make coffee.

My favorite place to unwind or escape from work is ________.

Golden Gate Park.  I live about 1.5 miles from the park, and open, green space is essential for me to unwind and relax.  The park is HUGE and offers so many things to do, whether visiting a museum, renting a pedal boat to take a lap around a lake, listening to free music, or just walking and enjoying the natural beauty.   My family spends at least 5-10 hours in the park weekly, and I cannot recommend it enough to anyone who visits.