Review & Analytics Practice Spotlight: Vik Masson


Selecting a review team is a strategic choice that can provide tangible benefits to companies facing significant investigation and litigation events.  We launched Redgrave Review & Analytics (“R&A”) to oversee and conduct strategic document reviews tailored to unique client and matter needs and to leverage the most defensible and efficient tools and workflows to achieve the best client outcomes.  Our R&A team has extensive experience in complex litigation management and document review and brings a robust, tech-savvy, and seamless approach to matters.

Learn more about our R&A team as they reflect on various aspects of document review, discuss important considerations for clients, and share a bit about themselves.

Vik Masson

We asked Vik about artificial intelligence and its impact on the review process.

How does the evolving technology landscape affect your practice? How does it affect clients?

In technology assisted review (TAR), we already have a proven and defensible method for reviewing vast tranches of documents using AI to expedite and simplify eDiscovery.  Emerging GenAI applications will only further transform the eDiscovery workflow.    

While some clients are eager to use GenAI applications, others await feedback from early adopters, the courts, and expert bodies.  Our team is rigorously evaluating GenAI in review and deposition preparation, fact development, confidentiality and sealing, and trial team support.  Because of our longstanding experience advising clients on the use of technology in eDiscovery, we are already ahead of the curve.  My working hypothesis is that, as GenAI use and price points mature, 3-4 of our attorneys and technologists might effectively handle the bulk of a large review.   We are investing in that vision.

What unique qualifications or experiences do you bring to this area of practice? How does that benefit clients?

I was previously an executive at a technology and review provider.  From that experience, I bring a disciplined approach to budgeting, metrics, repeatable processes, reporting, and cost containment, with the goal of creating a favorable position for our clients.   These are not areas that law firms have historically focused on, and I believe this makes us unique.  

My favorite quote is ________.

“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds” (Ralph Waldo Emerson).   This reminds me that each matter and scenario bring different challenges and complexities.  While tried-and-tested approaches are beneficial, we must constantly think flexibly, draw from our experience, and make lateral connections to win matters and delight our clients.