The Sedona Conference Publishes Second Edition of TAR Case Law Primer


Gareth Evans served on the Drafting Team and Redgrave Data's Tara Emory served as a Drafting Team Leader for The Sedona Conference TAR Case Law Primer, Second Edition (the “Primer”), a publication spearheaded by The Sedona Conference Working Group 1 on Electronic Document Retention and Production (WG1).

The Primer addresses the evolving case law issues related to technology-assisted review that have arisen since publication of the First Edition in January 2017. These evolving, more complex issues include TAR methodologies, metrics, and validation. The Second Edition also discusses how the technological shift from TAR 1.0 systems to TAR 2.0 (continuous active learning) has impacted the case law.

Like the First Edition, the Primer does not recommend best practices or otherwise comment on the utility of TAR. It is intended to assist courts and practitioners in staying abreast of this evolving area of law and technology.

Download the full Primer here.