The Sedona Conference Publishes “Commentary, Principles, and Best Practices for Addressing Data Risks Associated with Dawn Raids in Cross-Border Investigations”

David Shonka served on the drafting team for Commentary, Principles, and Best Practices for Addressing Data Risks Associated with Dawn Raids in Cross-Border Investigations (the “Commentary”).  The Commentary has been published for public comment and is spearheaded by The Sedona Conference Working Group 6 on International Electronic Information Management, and Disclosure. 

The Commentary discusses principles and best practices for managing data risks associated with dawn raids in criminal and civil/administrative enforcement investigations that may involve multiple jurisdictions.  The Commentary seeks to address the unique impacts that dawn raids have on organizations’ abilities to comply with data privacy and data protection requirements in cross-border matters.

The Commentary is open for public comment through March 6, 2025.  Questions and comments may be sent to  The drafting team will carefully consider all comments received and determine what edits are appropriate for the final version.

Download the Commentary here.